FAQ Help Center

Returns & Exchanges

  • Yes, you can return or exchange* your undamaged and unused product within 7 days of the delivery.
  • Products purchased on sale, discounts, and coupons are not titled to be exchanged or returned.
  • Please make sure that the product is packed properly and delivered back safely.
  • In case of a return, the refund will be made within 2-3 working days through Easypaisa/JazzCash or a bank transfer.
  • In case of an exchange, the new shipment will be made after receiving the returned product.
  • If the requested item is out of stock, a refund will be made or another article will be delivered as per your wish.

* Delivery charges are not refundable and are totally incurred by the customer.

Please contact us @+92 (322)-622-5680. Also available on Whatsapp.

The charges to return or exchange the products delivered through a free shipping will be incurred by the customer.

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